Sunday, October 30, 2011

Butterfly Turned Moth?

As I promised, I have updates on the play. I'll start with an update of the cast in speaking order:

Lepidopterist: Daniella
Tramp: Richard
Snail 1: Chrissy
Snail 2: Petal
Ladybug: Daria
Lovebug: Hayley
Otto: Cole
Mona: Ginelle
Felix: Michael
Intellectual butterfly: Stephanie
Iris: Emma
Viktor: Ralph
Cleo: Julie
Filipina Butterfly:
Chrysalis: Morgan/Sahara
Mrs. Beetle: Alexa
Mr. Beetle: Dylan
Ichneumon Fly: Liam
Ichneumon Fly's Assistant (a.k.a Pretty): Gina
Mrs. Cricket: Paula
Mr. Cricket: Skylar
Larva: Heidi
Parasite: JP
Blind Ant: Luke J
Chief Engineer: Luke L
Second Engineer: Tyler
Messenger 1: Anna
Messenger 2: Jean
Signal Officer:
Philanthropist: Daniella
Yellow Leader: Adam
Moth 1: Me :)
Moth 2: McKenzie
Moth 3: Blanka
Moth 4:Eva
Moth 5: Catherine
Woodcutter: Ginelle
Woman: Daria

As you can see there are still blanks, because I know the person who plays the character by face, but not by name.

Second update is why I'm not choreographer. Apparently (according to McCarthy) I said I didn't want to, when she didn't ask me. Regardless, I think that I should be doing choreo, because I am part of a professional dance company and have an extensive background (which now includes a choreographer's certificate!)..... And I'm going to shut up about this now because I will look like this:

Third update about the play... Well, it's not about the play. It's more like who came to visit that made the improvers in the play go apeshit.... I'll start by giving hints.
Hint 1. Writes blogs
Hint 2. Goes to college in Red Deer

No guesses yet?

Okay here's the final hint
Goes by Dell, or Ginndi

Yup! It was Glenndl!

Needless to say that this was in the middle of a read through... like I said APESHIT!!!!!

So here's what happened. Middle (more like 1/3rd) of the way through the read through, I hear the door open and I'm like meh, it's someone who's returning from the loo and I refocus on the lines, (keep in mind I'm the furthest person from the door and I can't see down the little hallway). Anyways, as I'm putting my head down, out of the corner of my eye I see Heidi give this wave and Skylar practically toss his script to the floor and run towards this person. Now, I'm thinking, who in hell would Skylar get up and hug? So I get Heidi's attention and I mouth, who is it? She mouths back Glenndl, and a light bulb goes off. GLENNDL! That's who Skylar would hug! And Glenndl brought a friend with him, who creepily looks like Bradley Hamilton but taller.

We also were visited by Sean, former alumni/improver/actor. He along with Glenndl ran an improv work shop, which turned out to be craziness like usually. Here's a run down of what happened, Liam got a list of banned words, I got creeped on, Heidi became a creep. Basically fun times!

Then this week one of my best friends came to visit from the capital. She ended up surprising me on Monday by showing up at Mary's. Needless to say we had an awesome week while she was here just spending time together!

So for more updates on the play... We've had 3 injuries so far and God knows how many potential injuries. The first injury was a concussion, second was a split lip and the third was falling on a shoulder. So the first injury was mine, partly of my making, partly of Liam's. We were practicing part of act 2 and McCarthy needed a body to be dragged in, so I volunteered. So the lovely Gina is dragging me in and gently hits me in the stomach with a fluffy club, then Liam (under McCarthy's direction) takes the club, and whaps me in the head. And Liam, not knowing his strength, whaps me a little too hard. I felt fine at the time, just slight dizziness,  but I laughed it off and continued with the scene. Later that night, rather 1/2 an hour after, I was in a meeting for my Europe trip. I started to feel nauseous and my head was pounding and I couldn't focus on objects. I thought I was imagining things so I didn't bring it up to my parents. Next morning, I woke up and was for lack of a better word, acting drunk. I couldn't walk without bracing myself on the wall and my head was killing me. Went to the doctor and he said I had a slight concussion, told me not to dance or do any forms of exercise until further notice and hopped me up on morphine. I was pretty much out of it the rest of the day, all I remember is having people say are you okay and being terrified of Liam. As for the other injuries, I'm not 100% sure how they happened. All I know is that they happened.

And on a final note, I have 4 mottos this month. They are as follows:
1. Like a boss!
2. Chem sucks!!!!!!!
3. (Insert object/person's name here) is gonna kill me.
4. November 4 needs to get the eff here already.

And with that I leave you for another week!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Insect Explosion!?

So um.... I lost track of summer and just had too much fun... and that is SO not an excuse right now.

Please wait for a few minutes while I go bang my head for even trying to make an excuse.

Okay. All better! Anyways, lately with school starting up I feel like I'm on the verge of my head exploding. First there was the whole get back into the grove of school thing, then my ETSO (French Social Studies) teacher, who is in charge of the France trip, say he needs more money, then there was the IB fees (I'm sorry, but when did it say that I needed to pay about 1000 dollars over 2 years for school when I signed up for this?), then there was Club Day, a fiasco in and of itself. Not to mention the amazing play!

So Club day.... Club day is more like a lunch, and period 3. But what it actually is... how do I say this nicely?.... Club day is the 1 time you can sign up to join all the clubs in school. There's improv, theater tech, The Torch (the school newspaper), Spanish club, Italian club, Saints TV (self-explanatory in my opinion), SALT (Student and Leadership Team), Art club, so on and so forth. But let me explain my version of Club day. Club day to me is just more psycho-babble crap for the elevens and twelves. You signed up for the clubs that you wanted to be a part of in grade ten and then you make sure you're still part of the club in grades eleven and twelve. This all happens in the half-hour (or so) we have for lunch. The grade tens.... The grade tens get period 3. They come in to see the clubs in three separate groups. Each new group gets a presentation of each club. So what the club is, what they do, who's in charge of the club (each club has two student reps. plus a teacher adviser), and when the club meets. Sounds simple right? It's totally not. The club I was representing was the Torch. We were placed in between the Rotary-Interact club (basically volunteer club and not very popular :)  ) and the media club (computer programming, game creation, photo manipulation and video editing. VERY POPULAR!).  So every time some one would be by my table they would ask, this is the media club right? I would respond Nope, but the Torch is way better! Universities love people who write!  Lame I know, but the Torch is strong this year with twelves who want stuff to 'pad' their uni applications.

But on to the best part of September (and quite possibly the best part of this year!), the school play! McCarthy, who is freaking amazing, decided what play she wanted to do the second last week of September (The Insect Play by the Capek Brothers), put together a crew (the tech people) and got an audition schedule together. All before last Tuesday.

Auditions went last Tuesday and Wednesday and the cast list was up Thursday morning. I'll have a full cast list soon, as rehersals just started today with the read-through. But I can give a basic list of people I know now.

My friend Richard is the Tramp (he's the lead :)  ), Heidi is Larva, Liam is the Ichneumon Fly, Paula is Mrs. Cricket, Skylar is Mr. Cricket, Julie is Cleo (nick-named the slutty butterfly by Liam and myself), Adam is the Yellow Ant Commander, Morgan and Sahara are sharing the role of the Chrysalis, Stephanie is the Intellectual Butterfly, Anna and Jean are the two messengers, Blanka is part of the Butterfly chorus and I am a moth and a butterfly.

There is only one thing I dislike so far about the play. As a butterfly I have to dance, but the choreography has been given to a grade 10, who I'm not sure has enough dance knowledge to choreograph. And I'm slightly peeved because I have 14 years of ballet training with some jazz, hip-hop, salsa and ballroom experience. I will for sure talk with McCarthy about this grade ten though and see why she was chosen.

So until a later time....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Quotes on my Birthday

So, I'm a little lazy today since I was up at 7 to get to school for 9 for my first final of grade 10, and I was out all day with friends for my birthday. So I'm going to just post my favourite quotes up until today, June 14, 2011.

- Nobody is worth your tears and the one that is won't make you cry.

- One of a kind... You'll never find another like me!

- I'm the type of girl who isn't a 'type of girl', I'm different

- Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. so, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. if you get a chance, take it. if it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it!

- You never know how strong you are until being Strong is the only choice you have.

- Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about it.

- Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain

- Someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else

- Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there

- Strength is nothing more than how well you deal with the pain

- Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. it means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections

- Don't tell my sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

- Live for the moments you can't put into words

- Sometimes you need to run away just to see who will come after you

- Be the change you wish to see in the world

- When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for son long in the first place.

- Crying doesn't indicate that you're weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you're alive.

- In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath way.

- The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

- Live for the nights you won't remember with the friends you'll never forget.

- Clouds may come, but clouds must go and they have a silver lining. For beyond them all, you know, the sun or moon is shining.

- You don't stop playing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop playing.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Late Night Ramblings

It's Sunday night, and I feel like I should be studying for my Social Studies exam on Tuesday, mainly because it's in french and I don't remember what we learnt in February. But like every good student I'm procrastinating.

In my last post I mentioned one of my reasons for starting a blog. The second reason is because one of my amazing friends, Glenndl had started a blog and I loved what he was talking about, so I (kind of) decided that if he can blog about high school and not have it get boring then I can too. By the way, if you have never read his blog, I highly recommend that you do! 

Another reason I started this blog is because I wanted to have a way to remember the next few years of my life. I'm one of those people that carry a camera with them all the time, just incase a moment pops up that I need to capture and remember forever. There are also time when my camera dies or I can't get it in my hands and on fast enough! Like today! 

Kels was over at my house for a few hours today and we were waiting for her dad to come pick her up, so we decided to sit in the back of my truck and enjoy the last few minutes of sunshine for the day, and a lady who lived on my block pulled up and just looked at us like we were aliens invading. It was priceless and I wish I had my camera at that moment!

We did have time today for her to teach me how to play Skip-bo (which is confusing at first, but incredibly fun!) and I did get to teach her how to play Egyptian Ratscrew (which she went home and taught her sisters how to play)! So we made plans for Friday (for the record, I LOATHE that song! It's crap!). we're gonna go visit our junior high school, then go shopping an then she's gonna sleepover here! It's going to be epic!

As well, I have the longest text message conversation that I've had in the longest time! I was talking all day with a guy I met on Friday through another friend. We talked about the most random things, the last of which was Harry Potter, and our favourite characters. By the way, 32 days left until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2! We're still talking at this moment even though he has an exam tomorrow at 9 am, so I'm ignoring him in the hopes that he will log off and go to sleep. I'm a nice person that way.

So, off to sleep for me, because apparently I have stuff to do tomorrow according to my mum. I don't think it helps that my seventeenth birthday is about a day away...